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Residential water heater

4 Easy Water Heater Tips to Help You Save Money

As temperatures drop this fall, your household water heating needs will likely go up. This will result in a heftier energy bill and increased wear and tear on your unit. Without proper maintenance, your water heater may fail during the most inconvenient time of the year. Unfortunately, your repair bill will be higher when demand goes up during fall and winter. To keep your appliance continuing to heat water efficiently and save you some money, here are four water heater maintenance tips to keep in mind.

1. Turn Down the Thermostat

Many water heaters will come preset at 130° to 140°F, but an average temperature of 120°F will be acceptable for most families. If you want to save money on your water heating needs this season, try lowering your thermostat by 5° to 10°F. This will continue providing your home with hot water without consuming extra energy to make that water hotter than you need it to be. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, taking this step can save up to $400 a year on your energy bill. Additionally, improving your water heater’s efficiency will prolong its life, allowing you to maximize its value.

2. Drain the Tank Annually

Your home’s water supply contains some trace minerals. These minerals accumulate in your water heater tank, resulting in sedimentary buildup that can eventually affect its performance and functionality. To minimize sediment buildup, it’s important to drain your water heater once a year, or possibly twice a year if you have highly mineralized water. Fortunately, there’s no specialized skill required to drain most water heater models. Refer to your owner’s manual to learn how to safely drain your unit. Alternatively, consult a licensed plumber who can conduct a professional inspection while completing this maintenance task.

3. Insulate the Tank and Pipes

When the ambient temperature falls, your water heater loses heat faster, requiring more energy to keep its water stored at the right temperature. Insulating the tank and pipes can prevent ambient heat loss that triggers the overconsumption of energy. You can find special insulating covers at most big box hardware stores at an affordable price and easily install them yourself.

4. Install a Timer

Most households experience variable hot water needs throughout the day. For example, your needs will probably be reduced during the middle of the day when your household members are at school or work. A water heater timer allows you to turn off your appliance’s heating element during those times, saving you money that you would otherwise spend on keeping your water hot when it’s not needed. Timers can be programmed according to your schedule, and they’re often preinstalled on newer models. If your water heater doesn’t already have a timer, a plumber can easily install one for you.

Get Expert Help

From hot showers to clean sheets, your water heater plays an important role in running your household. For more information or professional water heater services, call our experts at The Plumber in Mesa, AZ.