Winter can be hard on sewer pipes even in climates where the cold season is mild. The holidays are especially tough on wastewater pipes as guests arrive, and bathroom use increases along with washing dishes, clothes, bedclothes and table linens. Even more stress is put on the system when the winters are harsh. Here are some ways to winterize your sewer system.
Have the Sewer System Inspected
It’s important to have your sewer system inspected by a professional plumber. Since much of your main sewer line is underground, they might use a video camera to check it for damage and clogs, including invasive tree roots. If you use a septic tank, the plumber can also check this. Ideally, you should have your sewer system inspected every two to three years or whenever things like pests, water backing up in your fixtures or wet patches in your lawn make you think there’s a problem.
Insulate Your Wastewater Pipes
Wastewater pipes can freeze and burst as easily as freshwater pipes, but the consequences of a wastewater pipe bursting can be much more dire. A burst wastewater pipe can leak raw sewage, which is a health hazard. This is why it’s important to insulate those sewer pipes that are above ground. Often made of foam, pipe insulation is inexpensive, easy to find in a big box, hardware or online store and easy to install.
Clear Clogs
There are several ways to banish clogs from your wastewater pipes without resorting to harsh chemicals that can damage them. Sometimes all it takes is a pot of boiling water poured down the drain, or a paste of baking soda and white vinegar followed by hot water. Tools to use include plungers, snakes and closet augers for your toilet bowl. If this fails, you might need to call in a plumber to open up a trap or a clean-out plug. Plumbers can also use hydro jetting to blast away tougher clogs in your main drain.
Fix Problems Right Away
If you suspect a problem with your sewer system, call in a professional promptly. Besides the ones already mentioned, signs that something might be wrong with the sewer line include bad smells, cracks in the foundation of your house and unusually lush greenery in your lawn above your sewer line. Another sign of trouble is if every drain in your home takes a long time to clear.
Call Us to Learn More About Winterizing Your Sewer System
Protecting your sewer line against the ravages of winter not only helps it operate correctly but protects you and your household from diseases, inconvenience, and high repair bills. For more information about your sewer lines, call our pros at The Plumber in Mesa, AZ.